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KPIs For Roofing Company Websites

KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are critical in measuring the success of your website and digital marketing campaign at large. Unfortunately, most roofing companies don’t know what to look for regarding online metrics. For instance, novelty traffic from a low-conversion blog post is not a good KPI.

Key Takeaway

A Roofing Website’s KPIs should include call tracking, lead tracking, and target page traffic.

Best KPIs for Roofing Company Websites

A legitimate digital marketing agency like Roofing Webmasters will ensure proper lead attribution from your digital marketing campaigns. Below are the best KPIs for a roofing company website:

  • Call Tracking: Lead calls tracked through tracking numbers from your website
  • Lead Tracking: Form submissions and other contact information exchanges via your website
  • Target Page Traffic: Traffic coming into high-conversion pages like the homepage, service pages, etc.

Other KPIs for Roofing Companies

Any metric can be considered a key performance indicator as long as it reveals insights into your website’s performance.

These metrics can include bounce rates, conversion rates, click-through rates, and many other measurements that provide insight into how well your roofing website or marketing campaign is working.

A worthwhile marketing service will provide access to KPIs so that you can hold them accountable for their actions. Examples of KPIs for roofing websites include:

  • Bounce Rate: The amount of single-page visits to your roofing website
  • Pages Viewed Per Session: An overview of the roofing pages that are viewed for each session
  • Top Landing Pages: Which of your roofing landing pages produces the best results
  • Top Exit Pages: Which pages your visitors viewed last before exiting your roofing site

Those are only four of many possible performance indicators for a roofing website, but they give companies an idea of what a KPI should reveal. Your choice of metrics will depend, in part, on the objectives of your business overall.

What Makes a Good KPI?

Deciding on the most beneficial key performance indicators for your efforts depends on the objectives of your roofing company. For roofers, lead generation and sales conversions drive your business, so key performance indicators of those data fields are the most helpful.

Properly attributing those metrics is vital for adequately using key performance indicators. Roofing Webmasters has been marketing on behalf of roofers for years, so we know what the best KPIs are for this industry.

Some of the most informative KPIs are:

  • Simplicity: Easy-to-follow metrics that highlight a specific purpose or goal
  • Accuracy: Metrics are accurate and up-to-date for optimal information
  • Appeal: Metrics are organized in an appealing, easy-to-read format for better viewing
  • Regulatory: Metrics are generated regularly for accurate measurements of the production

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by performance indicators that don’t meet the criteria above. Complex formulas don’t translate to helpful metrics because the confusion of the process voids the clarity of performance.

Roofing Webmasters will keep you updated on your website’s performance through reporting. We believe that every one of our clients should be informed and have the ability to hold us accountable for our services. We offer month-to-month agreements, so you’re never locked in long-term.

KPIs and Accountability

The foremost benefit of KPIs is their revelation of marketing performance. If your roofing company pays a service manager for marketing, performance indicators can reveal what kind of job they are doing and whether that matches a) what they promised and b) what you’re paying.

In the world of marketing, accountability is critical. It’s very easy to lose sight of attribution, and it can end up costing you thousands of dollars in wasted expenses.

As a roofing contractor, you have various options to market your company. You can try it on your own or choose one of the many companies offering marketing services.

The problem with doing it on your own is that it can negatively impact your day-to-day operation and ultimately decrease the production of both departments.